I definitely must be the worst-looking cheerleader in the world then!
Good that I train fisheries inspectors on board for a living, imagine trying to be cheerleader looking like the way I do!
As many of you may know, I make a living as a qualified fisheries professional (2 postraduate degrees and 40 years of operational experience) for international organisations and Pacific Island countries… not as a blogger; it is just a hobby, no $ in it, I blog mostly to discuss things that i care about, papers i like, things i see wrong or missleading… and all of it from a absloute personal perpective! (is disclaimed right there in the blog)
In any case, it is a bit disappointing that I'm personally shunted for my honest and totally personal opinions by the people behind Accountability.Fish, whom I actually know personally and appreciate Ryan Orgera, who was great to me in 2018 when he coordinated as PEW officer an expert consultation I was invited to. and Steven Adolf with whom I have collaborated in the past for his excellent investigative reporting.
"I always play the ball, never the man"... I learned that in sports and i stick to it.
I had a similar type of attack by Paul Watson after the Seaspiracy movie, so I hope this time does not come with death threats like on that occasion. I only seen this published in the Ghana news, so I guess their press release wasn't widely received.
In any case, here is a screenshot of my Linkedin comment (back in December) that initiated this cheerleader slunt, so that you can judge for yourself.