Completing and Approving "Deep Dive 3", ISA's most advanced training / by Francisco Blaha

Done! I went over 50 lessons, each with its exam, plus a general module exam required to access the next module. A minimum of 80% was needed to pass each exam.

I enjoyed the Deep Dive 3 learning opportunity. It wasn’t easy, and I had to dive deep (pun intended) into my background knowledge of UNLOS, Chemical, Physical, Geological, and Biological Oceanography, Environmental Assessment Best Practices, and the staggering engineering challenges associated with evaluating, prospecting, and potentially mining in the “Area” (The international seabed area – under ISA jurisdiction – is the seabed and ocean floor and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. It represents around 50% of the total area of the world’s oceans)

I aimed to have the best and most direct information for an educated opinion on this challenging, controversial, yet helpful topic for humanity as a whole.

The reality is that 'if it can't be grown, it must be mined.’ It is impossible to argue with that. The rest is where we draw the compromises.

Thanks to the International Seabed Authority for setting up this unique and transparent opportunity that I hope will help me further my career on compliance issues in the marine realm.