Free Webinar: The Case for Comprehensive Social Responsibility / by Francisco Blaha

The good people of RISE/FishWise (whom I have been working with for a few years) now and are putting a free webinar “Building Resilient Supply Chains: The Case for Comprehensive Social Responsibility Programs” on July 15.


I’ll be sitting as part of a panel with Marina Colby - Senior International Relations Officer (US Department of Labor | Bureau of International Labor Affairs) and Tom Pickerell - Executive Director (Global Tuna Alliance)

The pitch of the webinar is below, but basically is for you to learn about RISE and see if it can help you!

Register and see you then!

Demand for responsibly sourced products and momentum for mandatory human rights due diligence is increasing. Many companies recognize their responsibility to proactively identify and remediate labor and human rights abuses, but strategies that focus on risk mitigation and social compliance fall short of international norms and standards. Instead, to accelerate progress toward the ILO Decent Work Agenda, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and UN Sustainable Development Goals and to make impactful investments to protect human and labor rights within their supply chains, companies must take a comprehensive approach to social responsibility. Supporting decent work and other worker protections are also essential to maintain public trust and build supply chain resilience.  

Today, seafood businesses need a one-stop-shop to learn about human rights risks, find streamlined and useful guidance tailored to their operations, and identify organizations that can support their improvement efforts.

That is why FishWise created RISE - the Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics. RISE is a free, online resource that provides comprehensive guidance for seafood companies, from producers and processors to retailers and brands, and organizes resources from across the sustainable seafood sector, into an 8-step roadmap that is aligned with UN Guiding Principles and other international norms.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how RISE can help companies to:

  • develop a comprehensive and proactive social responsibility program,

  • take action on responsible recruitment, worker engagement, and decent work at sea,

  • and get connected to the tools, resources, and organizations that can help them take action today.

RISE advocates a paradigm shift. Moving from avoiding corporate risk to building value for workers, communities, and companies to create supply chain resiliency and sustainability.