Online week: Global Fisheries Enforcement Workshop and Social Responsibility in fisheries webinar / by Francisco Blaha

in this new world, we swapped o week meetings for a couple of days of online catch-ups, yet I’m sure there is a very similar amount of work by the organizers behind it!


I have been very lucky to be invited to speaker/panelist at the last 2 iMCSn Global Fisheries Enforcement Workshops (Auckland 2016 and Bangkok 2018) , so I jumpd at the opportunity to participate in the online version of this year’s one, crafted by my brother Mark Young that deserves all kudos possibles for organizing a very successful event on an online platform.

I was part of a panel on “The Emerging Complexities of Containers Related to Transshipment’, where I articulated my take pm this topic along the lines of what I wrote here (the slides of the short presentation are below). I really enjoyed it as I was discussing the issue with some very amazing panelists Tony Long, Duncan Copeland, Peter Flewwelling and Kristin von Kistowski

Needless to say, I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I'm in those situations to see if they are real! A mongrel like me to be among MCS royalty! and I got quite a lot of good feedback… my favorite: Great presentation Francisco... practical, easy to follow, and laced with an uncommon dose of common sense!

Then the next day I also talked about the crane scales (and the selection process), we are using in Majuro now

then the next day I swap interests and was part of a panel for the webinar “Building Resilient Supply Chains: The Case for Comprehensive Social Responsibility Programs” I wrote about here. The video, if anyone is interested, is here

I’m incredibly humbled and thankful to the organisers for their invitation and trust... I don't have an organization behind me, not a line to follow or a product to sell… I'm invited just by being me, and that is a total privilege that I don’t take lightly

My presentation is below