Back from Noro, Solomon Islands / by Francisco Blaha

Back from my favourite fishing port in the Pacific: Noro, in the Solomon Islands.

The science and craft of net assemblage 

The science and craft of net assemblage 

I write a lot about this place (see here and here) because I think the place represents "What fisheries in the Pacific should be". I treasure the place, there are not many good stories in fisheries in the Pacific (or worldwide!), but here is one. 

Local boys learning the ropes (literally)

Local boys learning the ropes (literally)

If only the government was to support it in way to maintain the international obligations they assumed, it would be fantastic. 

The real networking!

The real networking!

Advances are slow, but forthcoming... the fisheries regulatory presence is strengthening, and a new guard of committed fisheries officers is rolling in.  

I'm very proud to have been involved with the place for the last 15 years in various roles... I have friends there now, and in many ways feels a bit like my 2nd home in the Pacific. (In fact the seeds for the "Noro Pizza & Espresso" are been planted :-)

Some of the crew I been working with

Some of the crew I been working with

While there the elections took place (never an easy time there), but so far so good. The fact that the Present primer minister was ousted from his electorate by a teacher may mean lot. Here are some images:

the courthouse in Munda

the courthouse in Munda

Welcome to vote

Welcome to vote

Ink your finger please

Ink your finger please

Mhhh... you don't look like a voter my friend.

Mhhh... you don't look like a voter my friend.