Free Workshop on the Implementation of Port State Measures by APEC / by Francisco Blaha

I have done work for APEC in the past… they are a very unique organisation in the membership and scope, i like the fact that their Ocean Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) has beee alwasy quite active and keeping up with what is happening.

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It is NZ turn to host the meeting this year… but COVID got on the way, so NZ is hosting it on line… which as most things in life has advantages and disadvantages…. to be on the positive side the advantage is that it can now be open to everyone… member or not, as there is no cap on attendance.

The workshop will feature a wide range of speakers (including me) covering a range of topics associated with Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, with a specific focus on port state measures as a tool to combat IUU.

This workshop aims to build capacity to implement port state measures through sharing experiences and how challenges associated with their implementation can be overcome. This is a significant event, as it is the first step in the APEC Roadmap to Combating IUU Fishing.

Below is the workshop agenda for your reference.

The work will be held across two days (21 and 22 July) from 14:00-17:30 NZT! Even if you can only join for a small portion of the workshop, you are most welcome!

To register for this workshop, please: 

1) complete this online form; and then 

2) compete the attached ‘Consent Form for NMP’ spreadsheet and send it to [please note that there are two tabs/sheets in the spreadsheet, both need to be completed]

Please complete both of these steps before COB Tuesday 13 July and I “see” you there

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